The Journey Begins Here

Building yourself is not an easy task. It takes a lot of effort and time to begin with, and so does change. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but you have to be patient and determined enough to get there.

This is how it all started…

Back in high school, I was always busy, joining every club I could to see what I liked best. I ended up being part of them all, even the school paper, which turned out to be where I got my start in writing. At that time, I didn’t even think about blogging. It was the ’90s, and I wasn’t one of the lucky few with early internet access. But working on short stories and being the editor-in-chief taught me something important: writing means telling the truth. I learned a lot from fixing up articles and coming up with catchy titles.

That experince caused me to have nights where I just couldn’t sleep because my head was full of ideas. But out of all those thoughts, it was writing that really stuck with me, pushing me to keep going even when things got tough.

As time went on, I lost touch with writing. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t find the chance to get back into it. Then COVID-19 hit, and suddenly, I had time on my hands—not because of the virus, but because it gave me a chance to remember how much I love writing. Sure, I might be a bit out of practice, but I’m determined to get back to where I was. I’m not giving up. Writing is a part of who I am, and I’m going to keep at it.


“There is beauty in the ugliest places you’ve ever been, only if you look at the brighter side of it.”

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